Server Rules
1.1 Cheating
Using any software and scripts that help in PvP, cheat programs, teleport by coordinates, leveling up in a duel, CFG scripts, playing with two people (three, etc.) on one keyboard, using multiple keyboards, possible server or website bugs, changing game files, help other players or persuade them to use them. Even an unsuccessful attempt is a violation. First of all, we advise you to think twice and not lose your account because of stupidity; an appeal will not be possible. The administration has the right, at its own discretion, based on available information about cheat program launches (logs), to block your account. Any attempt to launch a prohibited program will be considered a violation of the rules. The server administration is not obliged to provide you with internal logs. If you do not agree with these rules, please leave the server.
Ed. 10/26/2022: HP/clicker combo allowed.
Punishment: from 7 days to a permanent block. Confiscation of things is possible.
1.2 Insult, obscene language
The use of obscene language in the form of personal messages, global chat, etc., except for guild and alliance chat (but in some cases, for serious insults, we can block for guild/alliance chat), is a violation of general social rules, also offending other players, inciting hatred based on race, age, gender, place of residence of the players. It is also forbidden to post photos/ videos, caricatures using players' faces on the forum without their desire. The use of the words "Russians, Ukrainians, Muscovites, Nazis, Hans, Gypsies" and other negatively colored vocabulary referring to ethnicity, as well as discussion of politics with the transition to insults will be regarded as a violation of the rules. If additional characters are created for the purpose of insulting other players, the ban period for the main character will be extended.
Punishment: from 3 hours to 1 month. A permanent block is also possible.
1.3 Sale, exchange, donation of an account
Selling, exchanging or donating an account to another person is currently prohibited. It should be remembered that by accepting such (sold, exchanged, donated) account, you will still find yourself at a broken trough, in spite of the fact that you will be given even with an e-mail. We explain that the real owner of the mail (e-mail'a) will always be able to access his mailbox, even if you change your password 100 times, change all secret questions and link your mobile phone, this will not save you
Punishment: from 1 month to permanent.
1.4 Deception
Deception players or administrators with the purpose of obtaining personal benefits. Violators: We do not advise you to breed other players, steal other people's things, distribute Trojan software, etc. note That when the account owner applies and orders a paid service for restoring things, credits, etc.we are investigating all participants in the incident. The violator (thief) is sent to the eternal ban, with all its child accounts, and a block is also placed on the hardware that prohibits the game on our servers. All transactions of transfers of things, loans, sales to the store are tracked, do not think that you are the smartest. Players: Be vigilant and beware of scammers, do not accept any third-party software from them (whether it is a super clicker, or cheat credits), trying to get your account passwords and e-mail. Conduct all transactions on the server using offline trading. the site also has a credit transfer service, stone, zen. It will be difficult to prove that you were cheated.
Punishment: from 5 days to permanent.
1.5 Selling or buying things for non-game currency
Selling or buying things, items, etc. for real money and virtual currency
Punishment: from a month to permanent.
1.6 Advertising
Advertising of game servers MU Online, as well as various online games.
Punishment: permanent
1.7 Posing as administrator
Create nicknames similar to administrator ones by replacing one or more similar letters. Creation of a guild including the ADMIN prefix. Passing yourself off as an administrator or game master. Information about the nicknames of administrators and other employees of the server is presented here.
Punishment: from 2 days to permanent, with the removal of the character.
1.8 Disrespectful attitude
Insult, obscene language towards the administration, in the game, on the forum, Telegram, Skype, other resources, etc.
Punishment: from 3 days to a permanent block on the forum or in Skype, if necessary, then the block of the game account.
1.9 Interference during quests
It is forbidden to interfere with the game master during events.
Punishment: from 1 hour to 3 days.
1.10 Incorrect / obscene names
It is forbidden to use obscene / incorrect words in the name of a character, guild. Inappropriate are the names suggesting insulting other participants in the gameplay, or the ambiguity of referring to the nickname.
Punishment: from 1 to 30 days, nickname changes.
1.11 Castle Siege
Characters whose guilds do not participate in the siege cannot be in the throne room. Or stand on the buttons if your guild participated as a dummy when passing the Sign of Lord.
Punishment: from 2 to 14 days.
1.12 Duel
Using the duel for other purposes, namely: leveling the character and hunting for golden dragons.
Punishment: from 1 to 14 days.
1.13 Temporary blocking
Under this clause, players whose violation has not yet been proven are blocked, in other words, blocking until the proceedings, until the full picture of events is clarified.
1.15 Voting on ratings
You are allowed to vote once a day (on ratings for which the administration issues prizes), regardless of how many accounts you have.
Punishment: confiscation of any game property, with the possibility of blocking the account.
1.16 Playing on someone else's account
It is forbidden to play on someone else's account in the absence of the owner of the account. We have to link your account to a specific computer, it will be impossible to enter the game with other devices. Or completely block until the owner returns.
Punishment: linking an account to a computer, or temporary blocking.
1.17 Similar nicknames
It is forbidden to use the names of characters similar (one or several letters are replaced or added) to the nicknames of players who had this nickname before.
Punishment: change of nickname or blocking.
1.18 creating a negative image and the image of the server
Creating a negative image and image of the server, in particular discussing transfers from one server to another (which were not officially announced by the administration), as well as negative statements towards the server or administration.
Punishment: chat blocking lasts from 1 hour to 7 days, depending on the severity and frequency of violations.
2.1 Security
Also, for safety reasons, we advise: Categorically not to have the same passwords for the account and mail. On the box to have a complex answer to the question, when recovering, we advise the mother's maiden name or passport number. Change your account password at least once a month. Do not enter the same username and password on other sites and try not to enter an e-mail from an account on other sites, that is, use an e-mail only for playing on our server, and also do not enter the same password from mail on other sites. Write down your passwords in a notebook (real, not virtual). Do not accept any programs from people you know or do not know. Have a licensed antivirus.
2.2 Blocking application rules
To apply for the Forum in the Prison section, you must fill in the following items: Game server; Which point of the rules is violated (see above); The nickname of the player who broke the rules; Provide proof in the form of a screenshot or video. Upload the screenshot to your disk (Google, Yandex, mega, etc.) or any hosting site (preferably not a radical); Your in-game nickname. Requirements: The screenshot should not be cropped, blurred (private chat, guild or alliance chat may be blurred), etc. The chat window must be fully expanded and the cursor scrolled down. For each case, we create a separate topic in this section.
2.3 Amnesty during the castle siege
Partial amnesty for the duration of the castle siege can only be applied to the head of alliances, subject to the following conditions: If the violated rule item was 1.2, 1.8, 1.9, 1.12, then it is released for siege. If the violated clause of the rules was 1.1, then 7 days after the ban and if the guild of the banned GM is not the owners of the castle. If the violated paragraph of the rules was 1.1, then 14 days after the ban.